💜 Transformative ways to overcome the fear of rejection & a roadmap to step into rewarding visibility
💜 A deep confidence activation & the unlocking of inner-radiance hidden in your energetic body
💜 Clear guidance from successful empath entrepreneurs to help free you from perfectionism, doubt, fear, imposter syndrome & other blocks that stifle your expression & hold you back
💜 Practices for cultivating vibrational alignment & prosperity consciousness so you can create what you truly want in your life & business
... & much more!
LIVE on September 9th 10:00 am - 1:30 pm Pacific (California time) for a Quantum sound healing, visibility block release, & transformative guided experience called Current Life Blueprint™ for upgrading your life
And then ... for the following 7 days, you'll receive guided retreat sessions to enjoy at your convenience. You'll also get access to our private community of empaths, creators, & big-hearted souls from all over the world.
SUGGESTED MATERIALS: Have a journal, new candle (to set your intention with), & block out some white space in your calendar for YOU during this inspiring week that begins on 9/9/23 ...
We value your privacy and stand for your wellbeing, which is why we never share your information. By entering your name & email, you're agreeing to receive inspiring content during and after this event from Veronica Krestow & Jason Frahm only.