Veronica Krestow is the author and creator of “The Diamond Process™: Using Everyday Triggers to Awaken the Treasure Within,” a 7-step transformational system serving thousands of clients and students worldwide.
After 25 years of learning from leading experts in the fields of Spiritual Psychology, Presence Mastery, Yogic Philosophy, Psychology and the Expressive Arts & nearly 20 years of direct experience in the field as a successful transformational coach, Veronica has discovered the vast difference between mediocre coaching and masterful coaching.
In addition to facilitating transformational retreats and online courses, she passionately focuses her time training Diamond Process™ life coaches globally.
She's also the creator of her popular series and transformational YouTube channel, with 23,000+ engaged (and growing strong) subscribers and over 2 Million Views.
Jason has been a life coach, meditation-yoga teacher & healing practitioner to celebrities, entrepreneurs, executives healers and luminaries around the globe for over 20 years. He has hosted retreats and workshops to support people globally in breaking through their limiting blocks and beliefs and transforming into their highest possibility.
Jason integrates the teachings of masters from a Yogic lineage of the Himalayas and the high shaman of the Peruvian Andes (altomisayocs). He brings a unique set of skills to assist others in becoming masterful life coaches. Jason blends the universal truths of the wisdom keepers he’s apprenticed with along with the proven techniques of life coaching he’s applied with clients over the past 20+ years.
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